A6: Computer and Communication Networks
Lecturers: Ch. Koukourlis, V. Tsaousidis.
Academic Credits: 3.
Introduction to communication networks. Communication parameters.
Telephone network, μισθωμένες lines, ISDN network, optical fibers. ΑΤΜ network, services
and applications. x-DSL technology. Wireless local networks. Wireless telephone networks.
Introduction to computer networks. Statistical multiplexing. Ethernet technology- Δακτύλιος
με κουπόνι. Πρωτόκολλα γέφυρας και διακόπτη. Routing algorithms. Addressing with the ΙΡ protocol.
Πρωτόκολλα μεταφοράς, reliability, flow control and congestion control. Convergence of computer
networks and communication networks.